南宁WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,宁波WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,南昌WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,南阳WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,清远WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,秦皇岛WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,齐齐哈尔WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,青岛WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,日照WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,上海WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,深圳WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,汕头WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,韶关WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,汕尾WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,石家庄WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,沈阳WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,松原WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,四平WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询公司 , .苏州WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,三亚WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,天津WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,唐山WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询,铁岭WATSONS屈臣氏验厂咨询
A. Pre-audit communication of the FQA Programme and Questionnaire
B. Field audit 实地评估
1. Opening meeting with management 召开管理层会议
2. Review pre-audit questionnaire 审阅评估前所做的问卷表
3. Review the FQA programme 审阅工厂质量评估计划
4. System manual & procedures look up 检查系统手册和步骤
5. Factory tour 巡查工厂
6. Closing meeting 总结会议
Notes to auditee: 评估者要注意的事项:
A. Our audit will mainly focus on the following areas:我们的评估主要集中在以下方面:
1. Company Profile 公司概况
2. Quality System 质量体系
3. Purchasing 采购
4. Design Control 设计控制
5. Incoming goods and Materials 进来的产品和原料控制
6. Manufacturing Process Control生产过程的控制
7. Manufacturing Process Insp生产过程的检验
8. Final Insp, Packing and Storage终检验,包装和储存控制
9. Corrective and Preventive Action改正和预防措施
10. Calibration校准
11. Training and Internal Quality Audit培训和内部质量评估
12. Housekeeping 厂房管理
13. Health and Safety健康与安全
14. Environment - Production, Dormitory, Canteen ... etc.环境 – 生产,宿舍,食堂等
15. Product Safety产品安全
16. Child Labor (Check Personnel Record)童工(检查人事记录)
17. Worker's Wages Record工人的工资记录
B. Please fill-in the attached Pre-Audit Questionnaire together with this and return by fax by 4 days before the field audit. Exemption to certain elements might be granted for the factory, which are ISO9000 certified by a universal recognised certifying body.
C. During the audit, factory is required to provide evidence to show the effectiveness of quality system implementation.
D. During the factory tour, we will take photo on general practices and facilities of the factory.
E. No report will issue to the factory after the audit, factory may retrieve the copy from applicant as your need.
F. Please confirm your acceptance of the audit programme by sign & chop below.
(1)Pre-audit communication of the FQA Programme andQuestionnaire[Watsons验厂]
(2)Field audit 实地审核
2、Notes to auditee: 评估者要注意的事项:
(1)Our audit will mainly focus on the followingareas:[Watsons验厂]
(2)Please fill-in the attached Pre-Audit Questionnaire togetherwith this and return by fax by 4 days before the field audit.Exemption to certain elements might be granted for the factory,which are ISO9000 certified by a universal recognised certifyingbody.
(3)During the audit, factory is required to provide evidence toshow the effectiveness of quality system implementation.